NGC 6946

20080531 NGC6946


 The Fireworks Galaxy.

Constellation that it's located in: The border of Cepheus and Cygnus.

Imaging Site: Cleveland National Forest, Palomar Observatory Campground, California

For more information on NGC 6946:


Date: 31 May 2008

Scope and f/: APM/TMB 152 at f/8 with flattener.

Mount: Takahashi NJP.

Guiding: Piggy-backed STV Deluxe.

Camera: Canon 20Da, ISO 800 and raw mode.

Camera temperature: N/A

Camera binning: None

Number of sub-images and exposure: Fourteen 6-minute exposures.

Filters: None

Image Calibration: Dark and flat.

Planning, control, capture and processing with: Nebulosity and Photoshop.

Images may be used for personal and/or educational use only.